Covermore - C2640

26x40x10 Container Shelter W/Heavy Duty 21 oz PVC Fabric


$925 Flat Rate Shipping

Available for shipping now!

Call the office for the upgraded 30 oz PVC cover for this model.  Limited inventory!!

3 in stock


Container Shelter 26′ W x 40′ L x 10′ H

Heavy Duty 21 oz. PVC Fabric Cover

Twist Lock Mounting – No Welding Required



  • Model Size: container shelter covers: 26’Wx40’Lx10’H
  • Twist Lock Mounting Design: No Welding Required
  • Comes with interlocking mechanisms to secure to your container roof. This container shelter could also be installed between 2 & pony walls & or mounted to the top of concrete blocks (the twist locks would need to be cut off if not installed onto containers)
  • Space your containers apart for this model: 25’4”
  • Arch Spacing: 6.5’
  • Arch Tubes: 60, 2.36″ round, 15-gauge galvanized steel
  • Purlin Tubes: 40, 2″ round, 17-gauge galvanized steel
  • Arch Ceiling Height: 10′; above your base, so will be 18.5’ when installed on top of standard height (8.5′) containers and 19.5’ when installed on top of high cube height (9.5′) containers.
  • Cover: 21 oz PVC
    • fire retardant
    • water resistant
    • UV protected
    • solid white color
    • estimated lifespan 9-12 years


PE vs PVC fabric and why we choose PVC for our Container Shelters:

Both (PE) polyethylene and PVC are waterproof, but PVC is more so. Additionally, PVC is much more fire-resistant than polyethylene because the chlorine atoms it releases during a fire inhibit the process of combustion.

Poly vinyl (PVC) is made from the polymerizing of vinyl chloride monomer. Additional stabilizers and plasticizers are added to increase its light and heat resistant properties and increase its elasticity. These properties make PVC suitable for various industrial applications. PVC fabric is durable and designed to last a long time. PVC fabric is thicker than PE fabric, weighing between 20 28 ounces psf. Compared to PE, PVC fabric has a higher tear strength, making it a popular choice for fabric buildings and container shelters that are exposed to high UV rays, strong winds and other extreme conditions.

PE fabric is a lighter type of architectural fabric, commonly weighing 12 to 15 ounces psf, with a shorter lifespan than PVC. PE fabric does self-clean very well when it rains and it is about 5% more light translucent than PVC.


Solid White Cover and Why It’s Important:

The solid white cover is very important because the dyed ends (usually green) that you see on some tension fabric buildings is a weak point in the cover. The dyed ends do not have the same ability to withstand UV rays as the undyed white fabric.

We have received report after report from previous owners of hail penetrating the colored ends, but not the main white part, reports of the cover tearing at the seam where it transitions to the dyed end, and we have personally noticed excessive fading which can lead to premature failure of the cover.

Contact us for availability and prices of accessories for this container shelter model:

  • Front wall with zipper door
  • End wall with winch door
  • Solid back wall
  • 1/2 wall (covers full arch down to the top of your containers)
  • Replacement cover


The Shipping Fee is $925

There is a flat rate of $925 for shipping this item to a commercial address with a forklift or equivalent to unload.

This container shelter is too large for a liftgate delivery, but we may be able to ship to your local terminal, or to your residence via flatbed truck. Let us know what your needs are and we’ll schedule the best shipping plan for you.

Common Uses:

Our container shelters have a variety of uses such as: vehicle garage, equipment & machining storage, sports & recreation, and aviation. Other uses include: environmental, agriculture equipment, animal shelters, government, hospitality & conventions, on-site work shelters, rv and boat storage, landscaping storage, manufacturing, job site warehouse, mineral storage, mining, oil & gas, part and warehouse storage, as well as numerous other shelter and storage needs!